Friday, 13 November 2015

Suddenly, November

Don't ask, I don't know. Where did the last month go? I SAID DON'T ASK! Sorry... ...I didn't mean it, I've been busy and stretched with work and life stuff... Still no need to shout... Yeah I know. Still friends? ...OK...

Santicore: It's upon us. And at the time of writing there's less than 24 hours to sign up. I'm going to be a wrangler/handler again this year, I forget which tier of servitude I have promised to Santicore, but it basically means that I'll be coordinating a small group of creators and hopefully helping to make sure that things get in on time. More or less managed it last year, even with doing a bonus entry to the Santicore 2014. This year I'll have to be quite strict with myself - concise even - something I have problems with from time to time, but Oddpool certainly helped. I don't think that I shared my two entries from last year's Santicore on this blog, so perhaps I'll create a couple of posts for those next week.

A Gaming Podcast About Nothing: is not forgotten. Both Dave and I have been somewhat busy with life lately, but I'm hopeful we'll manage to record a new episode before the end of the month. We have a lot to talk about. (Dave was interviewed in Vacant Ritual Assembly 4, an added bonus to a zine that should already be on your to-buy list)

What I'm Working On: two things. First of all, I'm trying to get my ducks in a row for a zine of my own. This was previously referenced on this blog as Project STUDIO1; that codename is out of date now, but I don't have a better codename in mind. It does have a real title though, and while there is basically all of the work to do on it, all of the prep work is done. It requires a couple of hours to get the remaining raw materials, and then editing and such will take over for as long as it takes. It's a prototype, but I'm hopeful it will be the first of many. Second thing, Project OORT has taken over my the game resource parts of my brain, so that's currently in rotation. I've been reviewing all of my plans for it, seeing where I was up to when I put it to one side earlier in the year, and am now looking at what threads need most immediate attention. I did two playtests earlier this year, and I think they showed me that - broadly speaking - the game works, but it's not quite there yet in terms of being concise in my notes or in my mind. And there's a fair bit still to write too. OORT is taking more of a shape though. This time of year is busy for me, but who knows, early in 2016 there could be some playtesting opportunities...

What I'm Playing: nothing :( a few weeks back I played my first few games of the Netrunner card game with a friend, which was exciting. I've found it increasingly difficult to find time to game - MGSV is languishing in my PS3, I had to cancel a couple of games over Hangout I was to run - because there always seems to be things to do at home. In some ways it's getting easier to make time, but harder to give that time to games at the moment. C'est la vie, there's been lots going on, but it's a situation that has to change.

ANYWAY, coming soon, posts about Santicore, maybe some early draft stuff on new things from Project OORT and if I'm lucky maybe I'll have played something.

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