Saturday, 16 March 2019

Found In One Folder

I need to sort out my game collection, which includes a few books and zines, a ton of pdfs that I can't even bear to look at for the most part and many, many random folders of things that I've started writing, noted down or half-considered.

In one folder, picked at random for sorting out this morning, I've found:
  • Probability calculations for rolling n dice and getting at least one 6.
  • Probability calculations for rolling 2 dice and keeping the highest result.
  • Pages of notes for random setting generating a series of systems in Diaspora.
  • A sketch of a rumours table for a fantasy city I remember thinking about.
  • Notes for a new game of Dogs In The Vineyard (I say "new" - the notes are over five years old).
  • Notes for a zombie hack of Dogs called Dead In The Graveyard (ugh, such a terrible name!) which didn't get very far, but which had - I think - the neat idea of renaming the stats "brains, brawn, blood and guts".
  • What looks like a scrap of paper with PBTA game notes, but right in the centre a single question, "What happened at the Bus Station?" - and I have no idea why that's there...
  • Notes on a two-player game inspired by the awful movie After Earth, for a game where two people play characters separated at great distance. One person has experience but is gravely injured, one can move freely but needs guidance. Both will die if they can't work together. There was a wonderful concept in After Earth that didn't work given the world details in the movie, but I wondered (and still do) if there's a neat little story game in there.
And finally, a sheet of paper with brainstormed ideas for a table to generate magical parasites...

I have at least a dozen more physical folders of various sizes.

I have to get organised.

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